
Software Engineering Intern @ Courier Health

September 2024 -- Present

Taking a semester off to build and scale a CRM for patient services.


  • TypeScript

  • GraphQL

  • AWS Lambda

  • RDS/Postgres

Software Engineering Intern @ Vectra AI

May 2024 -- August 2024

1 of 4 engineering interns. Forbes AI 50. Worked on some cool platform and backend stuff; all projects shipped to prod.


  • Python

  • Celery

  • Terraform

  • AWS S3

  • Elasticache

  • RDS/MariaDB

  • K8S

Platform Engineer @ V1 Michigan

Jan 2024 -- May 2024

Shipping experiences for the largest builder community on campus.


  • Typescript

  • NextJS

  • Supabase

Software Engineering Intern @ CriTech Research

May 2023 -- August 2023

Worked on patient analytics infra.


  • Python

  • Flask

  • MySQL

  • Azure

  • Terraform

Software Engineer @ UM Autonomous Robotic Vehicle

September 2023 -- May 2023

Sensors team. Robots are difficult.


  • Python

  • C++

  • ROS2

  • Docker

Building @ Quarry.video

Jan 2023 -- May 2023

Fullstack design and development. Built product from 0 to 1.


  • Typescript

  • NextJS

  • Python

  • Django

  • MongoDB

  • Docker

  • Terraform

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